• M, H-A (Faculty of Mathematical Studies Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


This paper describes a fuzzy system designed to support production planning in an industrial unit producing cardboard boxes. In this industrial unit orders for n boxes of width w, length l, height h, made of q layers of type k paper for delivery in t units of time are produced. In the production of such orders apart from meeting the orders specifications it is usually tried to minimize the margin trim loss the number of machine setups and the holding cost of the finished orders. Considering the dynamism of production systems that are influenced by such factors as market demand fluctuations changes in commercial priorities raw material availability and pro-ducation capabilities we solve this multi-objective problem by fuzzy set theory.



  1. Management Sci. v.17 no.4 Decision making in a fuzzy environment R.E.Bellman;L.A.Zadeh
  2. Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications D.Dubois;H.Prade
  3. European Journal of Operational Research v.44 A typology of cutting and packing problems H.Dyckhoff
  4. Operations Research v.9 A linear programming approach to the cutting stock problem P.C.Gilmore;R.E.Gomory
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  6. TAPPI Journal v.71 A new generation of paper machine trim programs R.W.Haessler
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  8. Management Sci. v.29 A 0-1 model for solving the corrugator trim problem R.W.Haessler;F.B.Talbot
  9. reprinted in Management Sci. v.6 Mathematical methods of organizing and planning production L.V.Kantorovich
  10. Theory and Applications Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic G.J.Klir;B.Yuan
  11. Working Paper v.654 Cutting and packing problems:An updated literature review P.E.Sweeney;E.R.Paternoster
  12. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.29 A practical solution to a fuzzy two-dimensional cutting stock problem F.J.Vasko
  13. Theory and its Application Fuzzy Sets H.J.Zimmermann