The Effect of School Violence on Korean High School Students’ Ego-Identity

우리나라 고등학생의 학교폭력 경험과 자아정체감과의 관계

  • Published : 1999.06.01


The objectives of this study were to survey stress, eating behavior, and the influences of stress on eating behavior of high school boys and girls. The subjects of this study were 510 high school students(boys 240, girls 270) in Cheongju area. The questionaires were distributed to 510 students, self-evaluated and collected from Mar. 23 to Apr. 4, 1998. The results of this study were as follows: First, the third grade students of high school were suffering from many stress. The rate of such students was 33.9% of total students. Second, eating problems of students were unbalanced diet, irregular diet, omitting a meal. The most irregular meal was breakfast, especially girl students ate breakfast more irregular than boy students. Third, the higher the level of stress of stress of the students, the more eating problem existed. The more students met with stress, the more eating behavior was irregular in eating quantity. In conclusion, stress influences eating behavior of high school students negatively. Therefore, to improve eating behavior of students who are suffering from stress, the program on stress release and nutrition education should be developed and supplied to them.



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