제주도 토양에서 유기인계 농약의 흡착 및 용탈

Adsorption and Leaching of Organophosphorus Pesticides in the Soil of Cheju Island

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


The adsorption and leaching of organophosphorus pesticides (phenthoate, diazinon, methidathion) were investigated in Namwon soli(black volcanic soil), Aewol soil(very dark brown volcanic soil) and Mureung soil(dark brown nonvolcanic soil) sampled in Cheju Island. The Freundlich constant, K value, was 52.4, 31.3 and 27.7 for phenthoate, diazinon and methidathion in Namwonsoil, respectively and decreased in the order of phenthoate, diazinon and methidathion among the pesticides. The K value of phenthoate was 52.4, 15.9 and 5.9 for Namwon, Aewol and Mureung soil, respectively and was the highest for Namwon soil with very high organic matter content and cation exchange capacity(CEC). The Freundlich constant, 1/n, showed a high correlation with organic matter content, i.e., its value was less than unity for organic matter rich soil(Namwon soil) and greater than unity for organic matter poor soil(Mureung soil). Total recoveries of pesticides in soil and leachate with leaching in soil column, were in the range of about 74~86%. The leaching of pesticides was less for phenthate with high K values, and more for methidathion with low K values among the pesticides. It was slower for Namwon soil with high K values, and more for methidathion with low K values among the pesticides. It was slower for Namwon soil with high K values, and faster for Mureung soil with low K values among the soils.



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