부산 연안역의 야간 고농도 오존 발생 특성과 기상학적 관련성

Characteristics of nocturnal maximum ozone and meteorological relevance in Pusan coastal area

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of nocturnal maxiumu ozone occurrence and the meteorological relevance using to hourly ozone data and meteorological data for 1995~1996 in Pusan coastal area. Kwangbokdong showed the highest occurrence of nocturnal maximum ozone as 36.9%, and Deokcheondong showed the lowest occurrence(9.2%) for research period in Pusan. The occurrence rates of nocturnal maximum ozone concentration were decreased toward land area. The low maximum temperature, high minimum temperature, low diurnal range, high relative humidity, high wind speed, high could amount, low sunshine and low radiation were closely related to the main meteorological characteristics occuring the nocturnal maximum concnetration of ozone. It was shown that normal daily variation of ozone concentration by strong photochemical reaction at the before day of nocturnal maximum ozone. The concnetration of nocturnal maximum ozone were occured by entrainment of ozone from the upper layer of developed mixing layer. There are no ozone sources near the ground at night, so that the nighttime ozone should be entrained from the upper layer by forced convection.



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