전문직과 비전문직 취업모의 역할긴장에 대한 대처행동 비교 연구

Role Strain Coping Behaviors of Professional and non-professional Working Mothers

  • 조은숙 (한국가족상담·교육연구소)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The differences of coping behaviors of professional and non-professional working mothers were assessed using data(n=704) from the working mothers with children under age 18. Professional working mothers' individual characters family and occupational conditions are more suitable than non-professionals for the coping behaviors. And such individual and situational aspects may relate to the differences of coping behaviors of he two groups. In general professional working mothers use coping behaviors more except the 'role reducation' and 'taking the support of fiends & neighbor' On the other hand the conservativeness and passive attitude in role strain coping is the same aspect of the two groups. Finally the relation of individual character family and occupational condition of working mothers to their coping behavios are slightly different in this two working mothers groups.



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