남편의 가정내 역할인지와 역할수행에 관한 연구

Husband's Role Recognition and Role Performance in Family

  • 이정우 (숙명여자대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study was to probe the role recognition and role performance of husbands if family and to find out the variables which influence role recognition and role performance. the sample were selected from 503 husbands with children more than one living in Seoul The major findings were : 1) husbands` role recognition was relatively higher than role performance 2) Influential variables on the husbands` role recognition were the degree of home-orientedness communication-satisfaction and stage of life cycle. 3) Husbands` role performance was affected by communication-satisfaction degree of social support job satisfactions sex-role attitudes flexibility of job and jusbands` role recognition.



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