가정복지 서비스 전달체계의 모형 탐색

the Exploration of Model for Family Welfare Service Delivery System in Korea

  • 공인숙 (순천대학교 소비자·가족아동학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this study is to explore the model for the family welfare service delivery system in Korea. In order to provide more effective and efficient delivery system it is necessary to evaluate the existng family welfare delivery system. By the review of literature family welfare delivery system is fragmentary and inconsistent. Then the role of informal voluntary public and commercial sector in the delivery system is examined Lastly the models for family welfare service delivery system are proposed. Major suggestions are as follows: 1, It is necessary to reform the family welfare service delivery system for considering the integration of the family life. 2. Family welfare worker ought to coordinate the service to meet the complex needs of individuals and the family 3. The intersector collaborative model for family welfare service delivery system in proposed.



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  3. 한국 사회복지의 이해 지역사회 보호와 재가복지 서비스 김주연;한국사회과학연구소 사회복지연구실(지음)
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