Conflict Coping Behavior and Psychological Adjustment of Elderly with Coresiding Adult Children

기혼자녀와 동거하는 노부모의 갈등과 대처행동 및 심리적 적응

  • 서병숙 (한양대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the trend of conflict of elderly coresiding adult children and to find out what behaviors they choose to cope with conflicts. Also this study tried to investigate how those coping behaviors affected elderly parents' psychological adjustment. The subjects of this study were 218 elderly parents coresiding with adult children in Seoul metropolitan areas. Data were analyzed by using statistics such as factor analysis t-test one-way ANOVA Pearson's correlation through SPSS/PC computer programs. The major findings were as follows: In general elderly parents perceived low level of conflicts with their adult children. Elderly parents with bad health condition no religion lack of personal expenses and low level of statndard of living showed more conflicts. Each of four major coping behaviors was affected by different factors. The most effective variables affecting elderly parents' psychological adjustment was active problem solving activity.



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