부부의 가사노동 자기역할인식과 사회화저항감

The Perception of Housework Self-responsibility and Attitude to Paid Labor Substitution of Wife and Husband

  • 이기영 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of housework self-responsibility and attitude to paid labor substitution of wife and husband examining empirically characteristics of couple's type classified by a complex of perception and attitude. The data of this study were collected from 83 dual-earner couples and 76 one-earner couples having more than one child younger than 18 and living in Seoul. The major findings are as follow: First Wives perceived housework self-responsibility much higher than husbands regardless of wives' employment status particularly in female-oriented housework such as food- clothing-related and managerial housework. Second Couples expressed considerable reluctancy about paid labor substitution and one-earner couples showede more reluctancy. Third Four couple types were categorized by a complex perception and attitude. The are 'PLS-oriented & Wife responsibility couple' 'PLS-reluctancy & Wife responsibility couple' ' PLS-dependency couple 'Dual responsibility couple' Fourth the characteristics of each type showed difference according to socioeconomic status sex role attitude housework performance.



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  3. 한국가정관리학회지 v.13 no.4 남편의 가사노동 참여에 관한 방법론 비교 연구 문숙재;조성은
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  5. 한국가정관리학회지 v.4 no.2 도시 주부의 가사노동에 대한 의식과 만족도간의 관계연구 박인경;이정우
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  7. 계층별 남편의 가사노동 참여에 관한 연구-자원이론, 시간 가용성 가설, 성역할 가설을 적용하여- 신소영
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  9. 가사노동의 상품대체에 관한 연구 이기영
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