Problem Coping Strategies Depression and the Social Support Needs for Psychological Adjustment of Unemployed Husband's Wives

실직자 가족의 문제와 대처, 우울감 및 심리문제 해결지원요구도 -실직자 아내를 중심으로-

  • Published : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the problem coping strategies and depression of unemployed husband's wives and to analysis the social support(education and counseling program) needs for their psychological adjustment. The subjects were 139 unemployed husband's wives living in Seoul city and Kyungi-do province. The questionnaire method was used for data gathering. The major findings were as follows" 1) Wives perceived the most negative change of unemployed husband. Wives' depression was influenced by self-esteem evaluation of husband's coping behavior weak health passive coping strategies and negative change of husband and marital relation. 2) Wives needed education and counseling support the most in the area stress & mental health problem marital conflict and marital communication. The result of this study were discussed in the relation with the contents of education and counseling program for unemployed husbands' wives.



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