가사노동의 정책요구 및 정책목표에 대한 연구

The Proposal of "politicization of household labor" : Policy Needs and Policy Purposes on Household Labor

  • 윤소영 (이화여자대학교 가정대학 소비자·인간발달학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This paper focuses on the concept of :"politicization of household labor" to the resolution of houework-related problems which are the products of household work and the women's status. the major discussions of this framework can be summarized as follows: First the policy problems of household labor is that the segregation of market labor and household labor public and private sphere and sex-role affects value of household labor and status of women. Second policy proposals on household labor is related to specific existing policy(family policy women's policy). Third Policy purposes are family welfare and women welfare a symmetry of family and work. Thus policy needs takes concrete shape and policy indicator of evaluing and and policy indicator of supporting. Ultimately it is direct to evaluate the quality of family living.



  1. 사회정책론 고영복
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  3. 21세기 국가발전과 여성의 역할 국가안전기획부
  4. 현대사회 정책론 김영모
  5. 이화여자대학교 석사학위 청구논문 여성학에서의 재생산 논의에 관한 비판적 연구 김정선
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  7. 노동통계연감 매월노동통계조사 노동부
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  10. 한국가정관리학회지 v.15 no.1 가사노동의 정책적 반영을 위한 연구 문숙재;윤소영
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