A Study on the Utility of the Community Welfare Center as the Application of the Family Welfare Service

가정복지 실천의 장으로서의 사회복지관 효용성 연구 : 전주시 사회복지관 프로그램 및 요구도 분석을 중심으로

  • Published : 1999.06.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of the community welfare center. for the purpose this study consisted of three main subjects(1) A analysis about the programs of the community welfare center (2) A analysis about the experience of the user and non-user on the community welfare center (3) A analysis about the demand for family welfare service program For the data set 398 married women living in Jeonju were chosen. The data were analyzed with the spss pc+ program. The major findings were as follows : (1) The program of community welfare center consisted of child adolescent elder family a disabled person community welfare program Among contents of this program family welfare program is limited to level of individual needs (2) The wives experienced of community welfare center did not satisfied about equipment location program of community welfare program The 44.0 portion of wives not experience of community wlfare center have no plan using of community welfare center (3) The wives hoped to establish diversed subjects such as parents-child communication conjugal communication sexuality education for child child care techniques health and nutrition of family member time managememt and lesuire and consumer's rights and damage relief.



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