- 청소년의 가출행동에 있어서 스트레스의 영향과 사회적 지지의 역할에 관한 연구 김혜래
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- 부모와의 의사소통과 청소년 문제행동에 관한 연구-실업계 여고생을 중심으로- 정유미
- 중학생의 가출요인 및 성격요인과의 관계에 관한 연구 지창희
- 청소년의 가출과 비행의 관계에 관한 연구 한국형사정책연구원
- Successful families : assessment and intervention Beavers, W. R.;Hampson, R. B
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.36 A progress report on values issues in conflict between runaways and their parents Blood, L.;D'Angelo, R.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.53 Some self-reported correlates of runaway behavior in adolescent females Englander, S. W.
- Juvenile of Justice v.23 The beyond-control girl Green, N. B.;Esselstyn, T. C.
- Social Casework v.54 Community-based resource for runaway girls Homer, L. E.
- Adolescent runaways : causes and consequences Janus, M.;McCormack, A.;Burgess, A.;Hartman, C.
- Adolescence v.26 Problems of maltreated runaway youth Kurtz, P. D.;Kurtz, G. L.;Jarvis, S.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.50 Logistic regression : description, examples, and comparisons Morgan, S. P.;Teachman, J. D.
- Dissertation Abstracts International v.39 The runaway girl : a differentiating profile of personality, family, school,social factors Philips, S. B.
- Clinical Pediatrics v.17 What makes adolescent girl flee from their home? Reilly, P. P.
- Runaways and non-runaways Roberts, A. R.
- Runaway and homeless youth Rothman, J.
- Adolescence v.27 Runaway girls in distress motivation, background, and personality Sharlin, S. A.;Mor-Barak, M.
- Adolescence v.19 Characteristics of a helpful relationships : A study of empathic understanding and positive regard between runaways and their parents Spillane Greico, E.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.2 Measuring intrafamily conflict and violence : the conflict tactics(CT) scales Straus, M. A.