Machined Surface Prediction and Experimental Verification for Virtual Machining CAM System

실가공형 CAM 시스템의 구현을 위한 가공면 예측 및 실험검증

  • 정대혁 (포항공과대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 서석환 (포항공과대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


With the contemporary CAD/CAM system, where the tool path is generated and verified purely based on the geometric operation, geometric accuracy of the machined surface cannot be guaranteed dut to the cutting mechanics, meaning that the cutting mechanics should be incorporated in some fashion. In this paper, we incorporate the instantaneous cutting force and the tool deflection phenomena in predicting the machined surface for the finish-cut and milling operation. For the given NC dat including cutting conditions, the developed algorithm computes cutting force and deflection amount along the tool trajectory, and outputs the 3D graphic model of the machined surface together with error analysis. The validity and accuracy of the presented method has been tested by the actual cutting experiments. Experimental results and accuracy enhancement method together with implementing architecture of the VMCS (Virtual Machining CAM System) are discussed in the paper.



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