- Computational Geometry Shamos, M.I.
- Computational Geometry O'Rourke, J.
- Acta Informatica v.21 no.5 Space sweep solves intersection of convex polyhedra Hertel, S.;Mantyla, M.;Mehlhorn, K.;Nievergelt, J.
- J. Comput. Syst. Sci. v.38 Topologically sweeping an arrangement Edelsbrunner, H.;Guibas, L.J.
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications v.6 no.12 Geometric modeling for swept volume of mocing solids Wang, W.P.;Wang, K.K.
- Computer-Aided Design v.22 no.4 Sweeping of three-dimensional objects Martin, R.R.;Stephenson, P.C.
- ASME Journal of Mechanical Design v.113 Swept volume determination and interference detection for moving 3D solids Kieffer, J.;Litvin, F.L.
- The International Journal of Robotics Research v.9 no.5 Geometric representation of swept volumes with application to polyhedral objects Weld, J.D.;Leu, M.C.
- The International Journal of Robotics Research v.11 no.6 Analysis of swept volume via Lie groups and differential equations Blackmort, D.;Leu, M.C.
- Computer Aided Design v.26 no.4 Analysis and modeling of deformed swept volumes Blackmore, D.;Leu, M.C.;Shih, F.
- IEEE Trans. Visualizat. Comput. Graph. v.2 no.1 Function representation for sweeping by a moving solid Sourin, A.I.;Pasko, A.A.
- Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '86 Proceedings) v.20 Real-time shaded NC milling display Van Hook, T.
- Visual Computer v.10 no.6 Solid Sweeping in image space-application in NC simulation Hui, K.C.
- Numerical Comtrol Part Programming Childs, J. J.
- Computer-Aided Design v.26 no.11 Accessibility ifn 5-axis milling environment Elber, G.
- 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집 v.2 no.1 평행 이동에 의한 스웹트 볼륨의 계산 방법 백낙훈;신성용
- International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications(accepted) On computing translational swept volumes Baek, N.;Shin, S.Y.;Chwa, K.Y.
- An Introduction to Solid Modeling Mantyla, M.J.
- Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice(Second Edition) Foley, J.D.;van Dam, A.;Feiner, S.K.;Hughes, J.F.
- Information Processing Letters v.66 no.3 On circularly-hidden surface removal Baek, N.;Shin, S.Y.
- ACM Transactions on Graphics v.6 Worst-case optimal hidden-surface removal McKenna, M.
- Proc. Eurographics '81 Time and space bounds for hidden line and hidden surface algorithms Schmitt, A.
- Theoret. Comput. Sci. v.92 Arrangements of curves in the plane: Topology, combinatorics, and algorithms Edelsbrunner, H.;Guibas, L.;Pach, J.;Pollack, R.;Seidel, R.;Sharir, M.
- Discrete Comput. Geom. v.3 Planar realizations of nonlinear Davenport-Schinzel sequences by segments Wiernik, A.;Sharir, M.