분산 멀티미디어 응용을 위한 대규모 고속 통신망에서의 QoS-근거 계층적 도메인간 라우팅 방식

A QoS-based Inter-Domain Routing Scheme for Distributed Multimedia Applications in a High Wide Area Network

  • 김승훈 (상지대학교 전자계산공학과 정회원) ;
  • 김치하 (포항공과대학교 전자계산학과 정회원)
  • 발행 : 1999.07.01


본 논문에서는 대규모 고속 통신망에서 분산 멀티미디어 응용을 지워하기 위한 효율적인 QoS-근거 계층적 도메인간 라우팅 방식을 제안하고 그 성능을 분석하기 위하여 모의실험을 수행하였다. QoS-근거 라우팅 문제는 다중척도 최단거리 문제로 변형될 수 있으며 이는 NP-complete로 알려져 있다[21, 30]. 제안되는 라우팅 방식은 두 단계로 이루어져 있다. 첫 번째 단P에서 고려중인 통신망을 그래프로 변형한다. 제안된 변형 방법은 기존의 라우팅 방식에서는 완전히 무시되거나 혹은 부분적으로 고려되었던 통신망의 위상도 고려한다. 두 번째 단계에서는 응용이 요구하는 QoS를 만족하는 가용한 경로를 구축된 그래프 상에서 찾기 위하여 원시 노드를 나타내는 vertex로부터 출발하여 깊이우선방식과 비슷하게 탐색하는 경험적 알고리즘이 연결단위로 수행된다. 또한 그래프상의 각 vertex에서 edge를 방문하는 순서를 결정하기 위한 규칙을 제안한다. 이 규칙은 각 QoS 파라미터의 요구되는 QoS 수준에 대한 최소 정규화된 여유도에 근거한다. 제안된 라우팅 방식은 PNNI-형태의 계층적 라우팅 방식을 확장한 것으로 다중척도를 가지는 경로 선택을 구체적으로 언급하였다.

In this paper a scalable QoS-based hierarchical inter-domain routing scheme for distributed multimedia applications in a high speed wide area network. The problem of QoS-based routing is formulated as a multicriteria shortest path problem, known as NP-complete[21,30]. Our routing scheme consists of two phases. In Phase 1, two graph construction algorithms are performed to model the network under consideration as a graph. The graph contains a part of the network topology which is completely neglected or partially considered by existing routing schemes, thus maintaining more accurate topology information. In Phase 2, a heuristic call-by-call algorithm is performed for selecting a feasible path efficiently in depth first search-like manner on the graph and tailoring to each application's QoS requirements, beginning at a vertex that represents the source node. In this paper, a simple rule is also produced, by which the visiting order of outgoing edges at each vertex on the graph is determined. The rule is based on each edge's the minimum normalized slackness to the QoS requested. The proposed routing scheme extends the PNNI-type hierarchical routing framework. Note that our routing scheme is one of a few QoS-based hierarchical routing schemes that address explicitly the issue of selecting a path with multiple metrics.



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  2. ICCCN '95 A Scalable Virtual Circuit Routing Scheme for ATM Networks C. Alaettinoglu;I. Matta;A.U. Shankar
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  4. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, under rivision Hierarchical Inter-Domain Routing Protocol with On-Demand TOS and Policy Resolution C. Alaettinoglu;A.U. Shankar
  5. Investigacao Operactional v.11 no.1 An Algorithm for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem on Acyclic Networks J.A. Azevedo;E.Q.V. Martins
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  10. European Journal of Operational Research v.11 A Bicriterion Shortest Path Algorithm J.C.N. Climaco;E.Q.V. Martins
  11. Introduction to Algorithms T.H. Cormen;C.E. Leiserson;R.L. Rivest
  12. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking v.2 no.3 Routing in Multidomain Networks D.D. Dimitrijevic
  13. ACM Sigcomm '92 Scalable Inter-Domain Routing Architecture D. Estrin;Y. Rekhter
  14. ICCCN '95 QoS based Routing for ATM Networks L. Franck;B. Sales
  15. Computers and Intractability;A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness M.R. Garey;D.S. Johnson
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  17. Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'97 QoS-based Routing in Networks with Inaccurate Informations;Theory and Algorithms R. Guerin;A. Orda
  18. European Journal of Operational Research v.25 The Shortest Path Problem with Two Objective Functions M.I. Heing
  19. 대규모 고속 원거리 통신망을 위한 QoS 보장용 도메인간 라우팅 기법 김승훈
  20. Computer Communications v.21 no.4 A Scalable Qos-based Inter-Domain Routing Scheme in a High Speed Wide Area Network S. Kim;K. Lim,;C. Kim
  21. IEEE Networks Routing Subject to Quality of Service Constraints in Integrated Communication Networks W.C. Lee;M.G. Hluchyj;P.A. Humbler
  22. Algorithmic Graph Theory J.A. Mchugh
  23. European Journal of Operational Research v.16 On a Multicriteria Shortest Path Problem E.Q.V. Martins
  24. IEEE Computer Resource Management in Networked Multimedia Systems K. Nahrstedt;R. Steinmetz
  25. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems v.29 Algorithm for Efficient Generation of Link-state Updates in ATM Networks M. Peyravian;R. Onvural
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  27. Annals of Operations Research v.20 Solving k-Shortest and Constrained Shortest Path Problems Efficiently C.C. Skiscim;B.L. Golden
  28. Routing in Communications Networks M.E. Streenstrup
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