재순환 구조를 가진 dilated 반얀 네트웍

Dilated Banyan Network Recirculation

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


반얀 (Banyan) 네트웍은 ATM 스위치의 기본 구조로 많이 사용되어 왔다. 그러나, 반얀 네트웍은 내부 블록킹이 큰 단점으로 알려져 있으며, 이 단점을 보완하기 위해 제시되고 있는 구조 중 하나가 dilated 반얀 네트웍이다. 그런데, 기존의 dilated 반얀 네트웍 스위치는 네트웍 용량의 많은 부분이 낭비되는 구조를 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이렇게 낭비되는 자원을 충분히 활용하여 스위치 용량을 증가시킬 수 있는 구조를 제안한다. 제안된 스위치는 deflection 라우팅과 recirculation을 가지는 구조로, 스위치의 성능은 uniform 트래픽 가정 하에 분석되었다. 분석 및 시뮬레이션을 통한 검증 결과, 제안된 스위치의 성능이 기존의 dilated 반얀 네트웍에 비해 월등히 향상됨을 보여 준다.

Banyan network has been widely employed as a basic building block for ATM switches. But the banyan network has very low routing capacity because of the internal blocking problem. Hence, a dilated banyan network has been used as one solution that can overcome the internal blocking problem. However, tremendous network capacity is wasted in the dilated network In this paper, we propose a dilated banyan network with deflection routing and recirculation mechanism to fully utilize the wasted capacity. The performance of the proposed switch is analysed under uniform traffic assumption. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed switch yields a significant improvement of the maximum throughput as compared that of the pure dilated banyan network.



  1. IEEE J. Selected Areas Comm. v.7 A survey of modern high-performance switching techniques, Ahmadi;W.E. Denzel
  2. Proc. IEEE v.78 Fast packet switch archtectures for broadband integrated service digital networks A. Tobagi
  3. Proc. Globecom Starliter: A wideband digital switch Huang;S. Knauer
  4. IEEE J. Select Areas Comm. v.5 The Knockout switch: A simple, modula architecture for high-performance packet switching Y.-S. Yeh;M. G. Hluchyj;A. S. Acampola
  5. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.36 Design of a broadcast packet switching networks S. Turner
  6. Proc. Infocom The tandem banyan switching fabric: A simple high-performance fast packet switch A. Tobagi;T. C. Kwok
  7. IEEE J. Select. Areas Comm. v.9 Neural networks design of a banyan networks controller X. Brown;K.-H. Liu
  8. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.40 Design and analysis of a new self-routing network T. Lee
  9. Proc. Infocom Shuffle interconnection networks with deflection routing for ATM switching: the closed loop shiffleout Decina;P. Giacomazzi;A. Pattavina
  10. Performance Evaluation v.25 Pergormance analysis of cut-through buffered banyan networks with finite buffer size Y. S. Youn;C. K. Un
  11. IEEE Trans. Comput. v.35 Performance of unbuffered shuffle exchange networks A. Kumar;J. R. Jump
  12. Proc. ICC Broadband packet switchs based on dilated interconnection networks T. Lee;S. C. Liew
  13. Computer Comm. v.19 Performance of dilated banyan network with back-pressure mechanism Y. S. Youn;C. K. Un