Distortion and Dilatatioin in the Tensie Failure of Paper

  • Park, Jong-Moon (School of Forest Resources, Chungbuk Nat'l Univ.) ;
  • James L. Thorpe (College of Environmental Science & Forestry, State Univ. of New York)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Yield and fracture are separated in the tensile failure of paper. Failure in the machine direction of photocopy paper is contrasted with failure in the cross-machine direction . The ratios of distortion (shape change) to dilatation (volume change) for individual elements at yield and fracture are described. The ratios of distortion to dilatation are measured and compared to predicted values of the strain energy density theory. To evaluate the effect of the angle from the principal material direction on the strain energy density theory. To evaluate the effect of the angle from the principal material direction on the strain energy density factor, samples are prepared from machine direction to cross-machine direction in 15 degree intervals. the strain energy density of individual elements are obtained by the integration of stress from finite element analysis with elastic plus plastic strain energy density theory. Poison's ratio and the angle from the principal material direction have a great effect ion the ratio fo distortion to dilatation in paper. During the yield condition, distortion prevails over dilatation . At fracture, dilatation is at a maximum.
