- 계몽초등영어사전 편집부
- 곽영일 생활영어 v.1 곽영일
- 단어암기게임
- 오성식 생활영어 v.SOS 오성식
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 MFC Programming 전병선
- ABC영어회화
- Bionic English
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.5 The DRAGON System - An overview Baker, J.K.
- Proceedings of the International Conference of Phonetic Sciences Tools for research and education in speech science Cole, R.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B v.39 Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm Dempster, A.P.;Laird, N.M.;Rubin, D.B.
- Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition Fukunaga, K.
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications v.231 Hidden Markov model analysis of motifs in steroid dehydrogenases and their homologs Grundy, W.N.;Bailey, T.L.;Elkan, C.P.;Baker, M.E.
- Journal of Computational Biology v.4 Finging genes in DNA with a hidden Markov model Henderson, J.;Salzberg, S.;Fasman, K.
- Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition Huang, X.D.;Ariki, Y.;Jack, M.A.
- IBM Journal of Research and Development v.13 A fast sequential decoding algorithm using a stack Jelinek, F.
- Technometrics v.33 Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition Juang, B.H.;Rabiner, L.R.
- Bioinformatics v.14 Weighting hidden Markov models for maximum discrimination Karchin, R.;Hughey, R.
- A Book on C(3rd ed.) Kelly, A.;Pohl, I.
- Teach Yourself JAVA in 21 days Lemay, L.;Perkins, C.L.
- Proceedings of the IEEE v.73 Structural methods in automatic speech recognition Levinson, S.E.
- Artificial Neural Networks for Speech and Vision Mammone, R.;Mammone, R.
- Net-ID
- Pattern Recognition of Images and Speech in C++ Paulus, D.W.R.;Hornegger, J.
- C++ for C Programmers (3rd ed.) Pohl, I.
- Proceedings of the IEEE v.77 A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition Rabiner, L.R.
- Fundamentals of Speech Recognition Rabiner, L.R.;Juang, B.H.
- The HTK Book Young, S.