객체지향 데이터베이스를 이용한 지식베이스 모형(OOKS) 개발

Development of OOKS : a Knowledge Base Model Using an Object-Oriented Database

  • 허순영 (한국과학기술원 테크노경영대학원) ;
  • 김형민 (한국과학기술원 테크노경영대학원) ;
  • 양근우 (한국과학기술원 테크노경영대학원) ;
  • 최지윤 (대림정보통신)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Building a knowledge base effectively has been an important research area in the expert systems field. A variety of approaches have been studied including rules, semantic networks, and frames to represent the knowledge base for expert systems. As the size and complexity of the knowledge base get larger and more complicated, the integration of knowledge based with database technology cecomes more important to process the large amount of data. However, relational database management systems show many limitations in handing the complicated human knowledge due to its simple two dimensional table structure. In this paper, we propose Object-Oriented Knowledge Store (OOKS), a knowledge base model on the basis of a frame sturcture using an object-oriented database. In the proposed model, managing rules for inferencing and facts about objects in one uniform structure, knowledge and data can be tightly coupled and the performance of reasoning can be improved. For building a knowledge base, a knowledge script file representing rules and facts is used and the script file is transferred into a frame structure in database systems. Specifically, designing a frame structure in the database model as it is, it can facilitate management and utilization of knowledge in expert systems. To test the appropriateness of the proposed knowledge base model, a prototype system has been developed using a commercial ODBMS called ObjectStore and C++ programming language.



  1. 데이터베이스 저널 v.1 객체 중심 측면 모델에 의한 KB/DB 통합 방법론 오선영;백두권
  2. 데이터베이스를 첨가한 전문가시스템의 구축에 관한 연구 유석인
  3. UNIK를 이용한 전문가시스템의 개발 이재규;송용욱;권순범;김우주;김민용
  4. 전문가시스템 원리와 개발 이재규;최형림;김현수;서민수;주석진;지원철
  5. 한국과학기술원 석사학위논문 다수의 전문가 체제와 관계형 데이터베이스의 결합을 위한 조정에 관한 연구 전재호
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  7. Expert Systems With Applications v.12 A Model for Reengineering Legacy Expert Systems to Object-Oriented Architecture Babiker, E.
  8. IEEE Computer Learning from AI: New Trends in Database Technology Bic, L.;Gilbert, J. P.
  9. On Knowledge Base Management System: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies Brodie, M.;Mylopoulos, J.
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  13. ACM SIGMOD Record v.20 Set-Oriented constructs: From Rete Rule Bases to Database Systems Gordin, D.;Pasik, A.
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  15. Communications of the ACM v.35 Object-Oriented Methodology for Knowledge Base/Database Coupling Higa, K. (et al.)
  16. ACM Computing Surveys v.19 Semantic Databse Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues Hull, R.;King, R.
  17. Information Systems v.15 Expert Database Systems: Knowledge/Data Management Environments for Intelligent Information Systems Kerschberg, L.
  18. Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases Kim;Won
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  20. International Journal of ManMachine Studies v.32 Automatic Rule Generation by the Transformation of Expert Diagram: LIFT Lee, J. K. (et al.)
  21. Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management v.3 Scheduling Shipbuilding Using Constraint Directed Graph Search: DAS-ERECT Lee, J. K.;H. R. Choi
  22. IEEE Comput. v.23 An Expert System Shell Using Structured Knowledge: An Object-Oriented Approach Leung, K. S.;Wong, M. H.
  23. Nextpert Object Version 3.0 Users Guide
  24. ObjectStore User Guide, Release 4.0
  25. Information and Software Technology v.39 Database Tools to Acquire Knowledge for Rule-Based Expert Systems Owrang, M. M.;Grupe, F. H.
  26. Expert Systems for Business: Concepts and Applications Pigford, D. V.;Baur, G.
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  28. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design Rumbaugh, J.;M. Blaha;W. Premerlani;F. Eddy;W. Lorensen
  29. Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems The Role of AI in Databases versus the Role of Database Theory in AI Rundensteiner, E. A.
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  33. Electric Power Systems Research v.42 Enhancement of an Object-Oriented Expert System for Contingency Load Transfer of Distribution Systems Wu, J. S. (et al.)
  34. Knowledge-Based Systems v.10 Towards an Object-Oriented Logic Framework for Knowledge Based Systems Xu, D.
  35. Expert Systems With Applications v.12 A Simple Coupler to Link Expert Systems with Database Systems Yang, H. L.
  36. Computers in Industry v.35 A Process Plant Simulator Developed within an Object-Oriented Expert System Shell Znidarsic, A.;J. Kocijan;A. Skobe