The Influence of the Landscape Meaning Illustrated to Subjects on their Landscape Preference

경관의미에 대한 정보전달이 경관선호에 미치는 영향

  • 노재현 (우석대학교 자연과학대학 조경학과)
  • Published : 1999.01.01


The objective of this study is to test the influence of the landscape meaning illustrated to subjects on their landscape preference and to investigate the difference of the response(Influence Value;IV) between cultural landscape and natural landscape. For this, color-slide surrogates for cultural and natural landscape are shown to Experimental Group(EG) and Control Group(CG)(between-subject design). And Experimental Group is divided into meaning illustrated Before and After Group(within-subject design). For given 45 slide scenes of cultural and natural landscape, the subjects were asked to measure their preference on ten point scale. The results are as follows; 1. The influence of value illustration is positive in the preference. Specifically, this effect was more powerful for the low beauty landscape than for the high beauty landscape. 2. The relation between the IV and the preference of non illustrated group was deeply correlated. And IV of cultural landscape was higher than that of natural landscape. 3. It is identified that the meaning illustration about high naturalness landscape such as the swamp and alpine landscape is more effective than other natural landscape. 4. Also, the preference was more influenced by the personal task associated with landscape experience. But the statistical significance between the preference and experience about landscape didn't exist. Accordingly, it was suggested by this study that the illustrated meanings of landscape and perceived landscape form were also major influential factors on the landscape preference.



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