농촌 관광농원의 환경친화성 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

Indicators for Environmentally Friendliness of Tourism Farms in Rural Areas

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Recently, new concept and paradigm of 'Environmentally-Friendless' is taking a growing interest in environmental planning and design. This study is to develop the new approach of sustainable development, and to establish the indicators for environmentally-friendliness of "Tourism Farms" in rural areas. A questionnaire survey was conducted for deputy manager group and expert group. The environmentally-friendliness of tourism farms is composed of three categories, conservation of global environment(Low Impact), friendliness to surrounding nature(High Contact), and environmental health and amenities (Health '||'&'||' Amenity). Four indicators, such as saving of energy and water resource, reduction and reuse of garbage, natural purification of sewage disposal, and utilization of natural energy, were affecting the first category, i.e., conservation of global environment(Low Impact). And, friendliness to surrounding nature (High Contact) is affected by 3 indicators, such as contact to nature and diverse green areas, water intimate '||'&'||' contact areas, and natural ecology observation by biotope. Finally, the dimension of environmental health and amenity is affected by 3 indicators, such as nature affinity by farming experience, environmental-friendliness of soil '||'&'||' crops by organic farming, campaign and education programs of environmentally-friendliness. From the result of Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) for 10 indicators, environmentally-friendliness was recommended as 'Concentrate Here'. And, the content validity of 10 indicators for 3 categories was examined by factor analysis. The result showed as the same as hypothetical model, which proved the validity of hypothetical model.



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