관광자의 태도에 따른 관광지 속성의 선호도

Stated Preferences of Vacation Destination Attributes by Attitude toward Pleasure Travel

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


Tourism marketing begins with understanding tourists' needs. However, understanding tourists' needs should be expressed by specific utility values rather than simple preference order for the purpose of developing tourism marketing strategies. This study aims at identifying tourist's stated preference of vacation destination attributes by using the conjoint analysis. In addition, this study is purposed to define relationship between attitude and preference, and to suggest implications to tourism marketing strategies. It was found that stated preference to such attributes as 'quality of accommondation', 'recreation activities' and 'accessibility' among the attitude segments was significantly different but stated preferences to diverse profiles made of these three attributes showed significant differences only in such attributes as 'quality of accommodation' and 'recreation activities'. This results make it possible to identify the function of preference to destination attributes in the vacation destination choice decision. It also embodies the relationship between tourist's attitude and vacation destination attributes.



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