효율적 공간 질의 처리를 위한 트리 구조 공간 색인의 형제 노드 클러스터링

Sibling Node Clustering in Tree-based Spatial Indexes for Efficient Processing of Spatial Queries

  • 김기홍 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
  • 차상균 (서울대학교 전기공학부)
  • Kim, Gi-Hong (Dept.of Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Cha, Sang-Gyun (Dept.of Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


공간 또는 다차원 데이터베이스에서는 노드영역의 중첩 및 다차원성 때문에 다수의 색인 노드를 읽어야 하는 질의가 빈번히 나타난다. 이와 관련하여 기존 연구에서는 질의를 처리하기 위해 읽어야하는 노드의 수를 줄일수 있는 새로운 색인방법을 다수 제안하였으며 본 논문에서는 같은 수의 노드를 디스크에서 빨리 읽을 수 있도록 클러스터링하는 간단한 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 노드를 형제 노드 군으로 분할하여 한 형제 노드군을 연속된 디스크 블록 군에 저장하고 노드 분할 또는 병합이 일어날때도 이런 클러스터링을 동적으로 유지한다. 약 130,000개의 TIGER 데이터와 Hilbert R-트리를 이용할 실험 결과 , 제안된 형제 노드 클러스터링을 통해 공간 영역 질의, 공간 근접질의, 공간조인 질의 등을 처리할 때 필요한 디스크 접근 시간을 최대 86%까지 줄일 수 있었다. 반면 색인 갱신과정에서 형제노드 클러스터링을 동적으로 유지하는 데 필요한 디스크 읽기 쓰기 회수의 증가량은 1% 미만밖에 되지 않았다.



  1. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. On-line reorganization of sparsely-populated B+-trees C.Zou;B.Salzberg
  2. In Proc. of 8th IEEE Conf. on Data Engineering Concurrent file reorganization for record clustering: A performance study E.Omiecinski;L.Lee;P.Scheuermann
  3. Information Systems v.5 Reducing block accesses in inverted files by partial clustering M.Jakobsson
  4. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Self-adaptive, on-line reclustering of complex object data W.J.Mciver, Jr.;R.King
  5. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. On the performance of object clustering techniques M.M.Tsanggaris;J.F.Naughton
  6. IEEE Trnas.on Knowledge and Data Eng. v.9 no.1 CCAM: A connectivity-clustered access methods for networks and network computations S.Shekhar;D.-R.Liu
  7. In Proc. of ACM Conf. on Information and Knowledge Mgmt. Effective graph clustering for path queries in digital map databases Y.-W.Huang;N.Jing;E.A.Rundensteiner
  8. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering v.14 no.11 Clustering a DAG for CAD databases J.Banerjee;W.Kim;S.Kim;J.F.Garza
  9. in Proc. of 23rd VLDB Conf. A region splitting strategy for physical database design of multidimensional file organizations J.Lee;Y.Lee;K.Whang;I.Song
  10. in Proc. of the 20th VLDB Conf. The impact of global clustering on spatial database systems T.Brinkhoff;H.-P.Kriegel
  11. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. The K-D-B tree: A search structure for large multidimensional dynamic indexes J.T.Robinson
  12. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. R-trees: A dynamic index structure for spatial searching A.Guttman
  13. in Proc. of 13td VLDB Conf. The R+-tree: A dynamic index for multi-dimensional objects T.Sellis;N.Roussopoulos;C.Faloutsos
  14. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. The R*-tree: An efficient and robust access method for points and rectangles N.Beckmann;H.-P.Kriegel;R.Schneider;B.Seeger
  15. in Proc. of 20rd VLDB Conf. Hilbert R-tree:An improved R-tree using fractals I.Kamel;C.Faloutsos
  16. in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications The multilevel grid file: A dynamic hierarchical multidimensional file structures K.Y.Whang;R.Krishnamurthy
  17. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Nearest Neighbor Queries N.Roussopoulos;S.Kelley;F.Vincent
  18. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Efficient processing of spatial joins using R-trees T.Brinkhoff;H.-P.Kriegel;B.Seeger
  19. in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Information and Knowledge Mgmt. On Parking R-trees I.Kamel;C.Faloutsos
  20. in Proc. of the 1991 Winter USENIX Conf. Extent-like performance from a UNIX file system L.W.McVoy;S.R.Kleiman
  21. SIGMOD Record v.26 no.4 The five-minute rule ten years later, and other computer storage rules of thumb J.Gray;G.Graefe
  22. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Eng. v.1 no.2 Performance of B+-trees with partial expansion R.A.Baeza-Yates;P-.Larson
  23. in Proc. of the 6th VLDB Conf. Linear hashing with partial expansion P- Larson
  24. Tiger/Lines Precensus Files: 1990 Technical Documentation Bereau of Census
  25. in Proc. of the 22th VLDB Conf. The X-tree:An index structure for high-dimensional data S.Berchtold;D.A.Keim;H.-P.Kriegel
  26. in Proc.of the 23rd VLDB Conf. Spatial joins using R-trees: breadth-first traversal with global optimization Y.-W.Huang;N.Jing;E.A.Rundensteiner
  27. in Proc.of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Topological relations in the world of minimum bounding rectangles: A study with R-trees D.Papadias;Y.Theodoridis;T.Sellis;M.J.Egenhofer
  28. IBM System Journal v.13 no.3 VSAM dataset design parameters D.G.Keehn;S.O.Lacy
  29. in Proc.of the 22rd VLDB Conf. Clustering techniques for minimizing external path length A.A.Diwan;Sanjeeva Rane;S.Seshadri;S.Sudarshan
  30. The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures H.Samet
  31. in Proc.of the 23rd VLDB Conf. A generic approach to bulk loading multidimensional index structures J.Berchen;B.Seeger;P.Widmayer
  32. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Direct spatial search on pictorial databases using packed R-trees N.Roussopoulos;D.Leifker
  33. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Multi-step processing of spatial joins T.Brinkhoff;H.-P.Kriegel;R.Schneider;B.Seeger
  34. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. Effective clustering of complex objects in object-oriented databases J.R.Cheng;A.R.Hurson
  35. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. The pyramid-technique: Towards breaking the curse of dimensionality S.Berchtold;C.Bohm;H.-P.Kriegel
  36. ACM Computing Surveys v.11 no.2 The uniquitous B-tree D.Comer
  37. Tandem System Review v.6 no.2 Online reorganization of key-sequenced tables and files G.Smith
  38. Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques J. Gray;A. Reuter