Light and Scanning Electron Microscope Observatt-ons on Sexual Dimorphism in Pupa of Mullberry silkworm, bombyx Mori Linn (Lopidoptera : Bombycidae)

  • Kumar, Vineet (Electron Microscopy Unit, Centural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Tewari, S.K. (Electron Microscopy Unit, Centural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Awasthi, A.K. (Electron Microscopy Unit, Centural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Datta, R.K. (Electron Microscopy Unit, Centural Research and Training Institute)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


Under Light and Scanning electron microscope, the pupal morphology of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori Linn. revealed the prothorax and metathorax, well developed mesothorax, less defined last pair of sporacle, well exposed prothoracic femora and wing pads approaching the anterior margin of Ab III. The important sex separating characters viz, wegiht, antennal elevations, intersegmental lines and genings have discussed. Further, two separate openings bursa copulatrix and ovipositional opening were observed, performing different functions in abult moth.



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