- Marketing(5th ed) Berkowitz; E.N.Kerin, R.A;Hartley, S. W.;Rudelius, W.
- Logistical Management(2nd ed) Bowersox, D.J.
- ITAA Proceedings Stockouts: A threat to brand loyalty?Strong loyalty? Cassill, N.L
- Marketing science v.8 no.1 A brand switching model with implications for marketing strategies Colombo, R. A;Morrison,D.G
- Journal of Retailing v.67 no.2 Consumer responses to retail stockouts Emmelhainz, M.A;Stock ,J.R.;Emmelhaniz,L.W.
- Consumer Behavior(4th ed) Engel, J.F;Blackwell,R.D
- European Journal of Operational Research v.76 Cyclical patterns in brand switching behavior:An issue of pattern recognition Givon, M;Muller, E.
- Home Economics Research Journal v.18 no.3 Female consumers' brand orientation:The influence of quality and demographics Huddleston, P;Cassill, N.L
- Journal of Marketing v.59 Customer switching behavior in service industries:An exploratory study Keaveney,S.M
- A comparative study of shopping orientations between Korean immigrants and Whites in Allegheny county Kim,S.H
- Consumer's brand orientation toward apparel products Lee, Y
- Modern retailing:Theory and practice Mason, J.B.;Mayer, M. L.
- International Journal of Advertising v.15 Channel surfing,brand loyalty and risk propensity:A segmentation approach to modeling consumer switching behaviors in the USA Massad, V.J;Reardon, J.
- Journal of Consumer Research v.9 Variety seeking behavior:An interdisciplinary review McAlister, L.;Pessemier,E
- Journal of Business Research v.21 Shopping behavior and retail merchandising strategies Mittel;staedt,R.A;Stassen, R.E.
- Journal of Retailing v.70 no.3 Am empirical study of brand switching for a retail service Morgan, M.S;Dev,C.S
- Stockouts in fashion merchandision:customer reactions and consequences for the retailer Nederpelt,G.P.V
- Journal of Business Logistics v.1 no.1 The impact of stock-out on market share:temporal effects Schary, P.B.;Becker, B.W
- Journal of Retailing v.55 no.2 The anatomy of a stock-out Schary,P.B;Becker,B.W
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.12 no.2 Benefit segments of the female apparel market:Psychograghics, shopping orientations and demographics Shim, S;Bickle, M.C
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.10 no.2 Patronage behavior of apparel shopping: Part I. Shopping and personal characteristics Shim,S;Kotsiopulos,A
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.12 no.1 A typology of apparel shopping orientation segments among female consumers Shim,S;Kotsiopulos,A
- Advertising Age The real reason for brand-switching Stephan,S.K;Tannenholz,B.L.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.38 Modeling purchase-timing and brand-switching behavior incorporating explanatory variables and unobserved heterogeneity Vilcassim, N.J.;Janin ,D.C.
- Journal of Marketing v.39 Stockout cost models:empirical tests in a retail situation Walter,C.K.;Grabner,J.R.
- Out of stock Study, Parts Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ
- Dissertation Abstracts International v.49