사업체 위탁 급식소에서 제공되는 메뉴에 대한 고객 측면에서의 품질 관리 평가

Evaluation of Menu Quality Mangement in Business & Industry Contract Foodservice on Customer's Viewpoint

  • 이해영 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze sensory evaluation, to assess visual serving size and plate waste estimates of daily menu, and the identify customer expectation, perception and satisfaction. Questionnaires of sensory evaluation, serving size and were waste were developed and hand-delivered to 2,520 people. A total of 2,255 questionnaires were usable: a 89.5% response rate. Customer satisfaction questionnaires were handed out to 700 customers: (100 each at seven operations). A total of 551 were returned completed (78.7%). The data was analyzed using the SAS package program for Descriptive Analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The result of sensory evaluation showed that 'taste' was 3.20, 'freshness' 3.17, 'temperature' 3.25, 'texture' 3.15, 'appearance' 3.12, 'overall evaluation' 3.21, so these were little higher than 「normal」, that is 3.0. There was positive correlation among 'taste', 'freshness', 'temperature', 'texture', 'appearance' and 'overall evaluation'(p<.001). Serving size score was 2.97 and plate waste was 4.87, thus plate waste percentage was about 22-33%. As the result of customer expectation, perception and satisfaction of menu quality, characteristics. Customer satisfaction was defined as the difference expectation and perception and customer perceptions in theis survey were lower than expectation, thus this result implied customers dissatisfied in all menu quality characteristics. IPA analysis showed that 'diversity of menu selection' and 'menu price' was included in A area 'Focus here'.



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