여고생 흡연자의 영양소 섭취 실태 및 흡연관련 사회심리적 요인에 관한 연구

A Study of Nutrient Intakes and Psychosocial Factors Associated with Smoking among Female High School Students

  • 김경원 (서울여자대학교 자연과학대학 영양전공)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


This study was done to compare nutrient intakes, anthropometric indices, and psychosocial factors related to smoking by smoking status among adolescent girls in Seoul. Subjects were high school students, and smokers were 17.6%. Nutrient intakes were analyzed by convenient method, and anthropometric measurements were done by Inbody 2.0. Psychosocial factors of smoking were examined based on the Theory of Planned Behavior : 26 attitudinal, 9 normative, and 17 control beliefs were used. Smokers smoked 5-7 cigarettes a day on average, with 1.26 pack-years of smoking, There were no significant differences in anthropometric characteristics, except fat distribution, between smoking(n=92) and nonsmoking(n=92) and nonsmoking(n=94) group. The percentage of alcohol groups. Especially, caloric intake (63.6% of RDA) were much below the recommended level. With respect to psychosocial factors, 18 out of 26 attitudinal beliefs were significantly different between smokers and nonsmokers. Smokers responded less negatively on the items of bad health effects of relax(p<0.001). In addition, smokers were more convinced of advantages of smoking (test, etc.)but responded less negatively on the disadvantages of smoking(bothering others, yellow teeth, bad breath, etc.). Smokers expressed less pressure for not smoking from siblings, friends, school seniors than nonsmokers. In addition, smokers, expressed less confidence in controlling the urge to smoker or quitting smoking in several situations, such as 'after a meal', 'feel bored', 'with friends', 'when angry' offered a cigarette by friends', 'drinking coffee or tea', 'drinking alcohol', 'seeing others smoke'(p<0.001). Smokers also felt less developing in applying specific skills for controlling the urge to smoker or quitting smoking. These findings suggest the need for developing smoking cessation programs for adolescent females, focusing on specific beliefs identified in this study.



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