임신부와 신생아의 철분 영양상태에 관한 연구

Iron Status in Pregnant Women and Their Newborn Infants

  • 김은경 (강릉대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


The purposes of this study are to assess iron status in mothers and their newborn infants at birth and to analyze the influence of maternal iron status on their newborn babies. Venous bloods samples were drawn from 144 pregnant women just before delivery and cord bloods of their newborn babies were collected immediately after birth for measurement of hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum iron, ferritin, total binding capacity and transferrin saturation. The values of hemoglobin and hematocrit were significantly lower in the mothers(10.9$\pm$1.43g/dl and 33.7$\pm$3.67%) than in their newborn infants(14.7$\pm$1.43g/dl and 45.3$\pm$4.76%)(p<0.0001). At delivery, serum iron levels in cord blood were about twice as high as those in the maternal blood, and serum ferritin levels in the cord blood were about four times higher than those in the maternal blood. The serum ferritin levels of multigravidas were higher than those of primigravidas,. but there was no difference between the serum ferritin levels of their infants. The serum ferritin levels of the mothers and their infants were higher in maternal group with iron supplement regularly than in other maternal group without iron supplement during pregnancy. Among the mothers, 26.4% had a serum ferritin levels below 12ng/ml(i.e. depleted iron stores)and 78.9% had a hemoglobin below 12g/dl(i.e.iron deficient anemia). When the maternal group was classified according to their serum ferritin levels by 9ng/ml, 12ng/dl or 20ng/ml, there was no significant difference in the iron status of their newborn infants among the three groups. The hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels of the mothers were well correlated with those of their babies. The maternal hemoglobin values negatively correlated with infant birth weight. It is possible that the demands of iron of the mother might be increased in the case of a newborn infant of greater size. The results of this study provide useful information regarding establishment of RDA for iron in pregnant women and guidance about the need for iron supplement during pregnancy.



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