Effectiveness of Nutrition Counseling on Dietary Behavior and Serum Levels of Lipids and Antioxidants in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

영양상담에 의한 심혈관질환자의 식행동, 혈청 지질 및 항산화영양소 상태 변화

  • Published : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether nutrition counseling could lead to a beneficial outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease(CVD). Fifty CVD patients(23 men and 27 women) participated in a dietary counseling program which was based on serum lipid management. Various markers of disease risk including lifestyles, anthropometric indices, eating behaviors, serum lipids, antioxidants, lipid peroxides were measured before and after the program. The program lasted 3-11 months depending on individuals. Waist/hip ratio decreased after nutrition counseling only in women. Smoking and alcohol drinking status did not change significantly after counseling. Food habit score increased significantly in both men and women(p<0.05), and patients consumed mixed cereal rice, fruits, seaweeds, legumes more frequently and snacks less frequently after nutrition counseling (p<0.05). Although intakes of energy, carbohydrate and vitamin B1 were reduced significantly after nutrition counseling, nutrient densities of calcium and iron of diets have increased significantly after nutrition counseling, and those of other micronutrients were not different Serum total cholesterol decreased significantly in men and LDL cholesterol decreased significantly in women. In women lipid peroxide level decreased and $\alpha$-tocopherol level increased significantly, while there was no significantly change in men. We conclude that well-planned nutrition counseling would reduce risks of cardiovascular disease through improving dietary behavior, lipid profile and antioxidant status.



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