식이 지방산이 혈소판 인지질의 지방산 조성, 혈장 Thromboxane B2의 농도 및 혈소판 응집에 미치는 영향

Effect of Dietary Fatty Acids on Fatty Acid Composition of Platelet Phospholipids, Thromboxane B2 Formation, and Platelet Aggregation in Men

  • 오은주 (한양대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


The degree of platelet aggregation, thromboxane B2(TXB2)formation and fatty acid composition of platelet phospholipids(PL) were investigated in 24 healthy male subjects who for five weeks consumed either corn oil(CO) rich in linoleic acid(LA), perilla oil (PO) rich in $\alpha$-linoleic acid($\alpha$-LAN), or canola oil(CNO) rich in oleic acid(OA) as a major fat source. Total fat intake was 30% of total calories and prescribed oil intake of each dietary group was 50% of the total fat intake. In the CO group, significantly decreased contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA), n-6 PUFA, n-3 PUFA and eicosapentanoic acid(EPA) were observed, and significantly increased contents of OA and saturated fatty acids(SFA) were observed in platelet PL after 3 weeks and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. In the PO group, contents of OA and docosahexanoic acid(DHA) were increased, and the ratio of n-6/n-3 was decreased significantly in platelet PL after dietary treatment. The CNO group showed significatnlty decreased contents of PUFA, P/S ratio, n-6 PUFA, LA,(EPA+DHA)/arachidonic acid(AA), and significantly increased SFA contents after 3 weeks of the oil-based diet. The dietary-induced effects on fatty acid composition of platelet PL were observed mostly after 3 weeks of the oil-based diet. The dietary-induced effects on fatty acid composition of platelet PL were observed mostly after 3 weeks. Plasma TXB2 levels were increased after 3 and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. However, only the CO and CNO groups showed significantly increased plasma TXB2 levles after 3 and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. However, only the CO and CNO groups showed significantly increased plasma TXB2 levels after 5 weeks of experimental diets, when compared with initial values. Degree of platelet aggregation increased only in the CO group after dietary treatment. As a result, at week 5 the degree of platelet aggregation of the CO group was significantly higher than those of the PO and CNO groups. Among the three oil-based diets, the PO-based diet seems to have beneficial effects on atherosclerosis by influencing plasma TXB2 levels and the degree of platelet aggregation, while the CO-based diet showed the most adverse effects. Our results imply that plasma TXB2 levels might be affected by dietary fatty acid composition.



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