한국 고유의 산채류 첨가 식이가 흰쥐의 지방 대사 및 항산화능과 Cadmium 제독에 미치는 영향

Effect of Korean Native Plant Diet on Lipid Metabolism, Antioxidative Capacity and Cadmium Detoxification in Rats

  • 박진아 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study was performed to investigate the effects of Korean native plant diets on lipid and cadmium (Cd) metabolisms and also antioxidative enzyme activities in rats. Seventy male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 210.3$\pm$2.7g were blocked into ten groups according to body weight. Rats were raised for four weeks with diets containing 0 or 0.04%(w/w) cadmium chloride and 5%(w/w) plant powder-Ssook(Artemisia princeps var. orientalis HARA), Chamchwi(Aster scaber THUNB), Gomchwi(Lingularia fischeri TUBCZ). or Solbeerum (Portulaca oleracea LINNE). Food intake, weight gain, food efficiency ratio, and weights of liver, kidney, spleen and epididymal fat were significantly lower in Cd-exposed groups, food efficiency ratio, and weights of liver, kidney, spleen and epididymal fat were significanlty lower in Cd-exposed groups. Plasma total lipid level, liver total lipid, cholesterol and triglycerde concentrations, and fecal total lipid, cholesterol and triglyceride excretions were decreased by Cd administration. Total lipid and triglyceride concentration in plasma and liver were lower in Chamchwi groups together with increased fecal total lipid and triglyceride excretions. Cholesterol concentration in plasma and liver were lower in Gomchwi groups with increased fecal cholesterol excretions. Activities of red-blood-cell superoxide dismutase(SOD), and liver catalase, SOD and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) were decreased significantly by Cd administration. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS) concentrations of plasma and liver were increased by Cd administration. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS) concentration of plasma and liver were increased by Cd administration. Administration of plant diets decreased plasma and liver catalase, SOD and GSH-px activities in Cd-free diet groups and increased them in Cd-administered groups. Plasma and liver TBARS concentrations were decreased in animals fed plant diets, with Chamchwi showing the most effective antioxidative capacity. The concentration of Cd accumulated in blood and tissue decreased in Cd-exposed groups fed plant diets. Liver Cd concentration were lower in the Chamchwi and Gomchwi groups, and kidney Cd levels were lower in the Ssook and Chamchwi groups. Among them, Chamchwi was the most effective in Cd detoxification. In conclusion, Chamchwi and Gomchwi were effective in lowering tissue lipid levels, with Chamchwi having the greatest antioxidative and detoxifying effects.



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