- 지질학회지 v.11 경북 영일 지역에 발달하는 갈탄층의 층서적 연구 김봉균;정창희;김수진
- 지질학회지 v.28 새로운 동해의 성인 모델과 양산 단층계의 주향이동운동 김인수
- 대한지질학회 제48차 학술발표회 장기지역에 분포하는 hyaloclastite의 산상과 형성과정 김춘식;윤선;김진섭
- 지질학회지 v.34 신불산-영취산 일대에 분포하는 백악기 화산암의 화산층서와 암석학적 연구 김춘식;윤성효;정창식
- 지질학회지 v.25 장기 지역 제 3기층의 불석화작용 노진환
- 경북대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 경북 연일 지역에 분포하는 신생대 제3기 화산암류에 대한 암석학적 및 암석화학적 연구 박선애
- 부산대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 장기 지역 제3기 층서 박성준
- 자원환경지질 v.31 경상분지 백악기 화산암류에 대한 암석화학적 고찰: 이원성 마그마의 가능성 성종규;김진섭;이준동
- 부산대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 한반도 동남부 제3기 마이오세 분지의 형성과 발달 손문
- 광산지질 v.24 한반도 남부의 제3기 분지 발달사 윤선;장기홍;유환수;이영길
- 한국지구과학회지 v.7 구룡포 지역의 지질 및 화산암류에 대한 연구 이문원;원종관;노진환
- 지질학회지 v.24 구룡포 지역에 분포하는 신생대 화산암의 지질과 암석학적 연구 이문원;원종관;김광호;노진환
- 광산지질 v.25 포항 및 장기분지에 대한 고지자기, 층서 및 구조연구: 화산암류의 K-Ar연대 이현구;문희수;민경덕;김인수;윤혜수;板谷徹丸
- 대한지질학회 제50차 학술발표회 요약집 한국 동남부 제3기 퇴적분지내의 염기성 화성암류에 대한 지화학적 동위원소적 연구 이현구;윤혜수;송석환;나춘기
- 조선지질도 제 2집, 연일, 구룡포 및 조양도폭 立岩巖
- 한국동력자원연구소, 연구보고서, KR-87-27 K-Ar 및 횟션트랙법에 의한 포항-감포일대 화산암류의 암석연령 측정연구 진명식;김성재;신성천
- 한국동력자원연구소, 연구보고서, KR-88-6D K-Ar 및 횟션트랙에 의한 한국 동남부 지역 화강암 및 화산암의 암석 광물연령 측정연구 진명식;김성재;신성천
- Oregon. Jour. Petrol. v.31 Calc-alkaline, shoshonitic, and primitive tholeiitic lavas from monogenetic volcanoes near Crater Lake Bacon, C.R.
- Chem. Geol. v.32 Geochemical criteria for a refined tectonic discrimination of orogenic andesites Bailey, J.C.
- Vanuatu. Jour. Petrol. v.31 Origin and evolution of primitive island arc ankaramites from Western Epi Barsdell, M.;Berry, R. F.
- The interpretation of igneous rocks Cox, K.G.;Bell, J.D.;Pankhurst, R.J.
- Andesites: Orogenic andesites and related rocks The mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent orogenic volcanic rocks with special reference to the andesitic-basaltic compositional range Ewart, A.;Thprpe, R.S.(ed.)
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.27 Magma-type and tectonic setting discrimination using immobile elements Floyd, P.A.;Winchester, J.A.
- Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics Gill, J.B.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.40 Nickel partitioning between olivine and silicate melt Hart, S.R.;Davis, K.E.
- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. v.113 Experimental cpx/melt partitioning of 24 trace elements Hart, S.R.;Dunn, T.
- Geology v.17 Chemical fluxes and wedge replacement rates along recent destructive plate margins Hawkesworth, C.J.;Ellam, R.
- Jour. Geophys. Res. v.91 Multiple sources for basaltic are rocks from the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (34°-41°S): trace element and isotopic evidence for contribution from subducted oceanic crust, mantle, and continental crust Hickey, R.L.;Frey, F.A.;Gerlach, D.C.
- Jour. Mining College of Akida Univ. v.5 The Tertiary floras of Korea Huzioka, K.
- Can. Jour. Earth Sci. v.8 A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks Irvine, T.N.;Baragar, W.R.A.
- Jour. Petrol. v.27 A chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alkali-silica diagram Le Bas, M. J.;Le Maitre, R. W.;Streckeisen, A.;Zanettin, B.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.102 Geochemical and geodynamical constraints on subduction zone magmatism McCulloch, M.T.;Gamble, J.A.
- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. v.113 Isotope and trace element evidence for three component mixing in the genesis of the North Luzon are lavas (Philip-pines) McDermott, F.;Defant, M.J.;Hawkesworth, C.J.;Maury, R.C.;Joron, J.L.
- Jour. Petrol. v.29 Open system magmatic evolution of the Taos Plateau volcanic field, Northern New Mexico: 3. Petrology and geochemistry of andesite and dacite McMillan, N.J.;Dungan, M.A.
- Am. J. Sci. v.274 Volcanic rock series in island arcs and active continental margins Miyashiro, A.
- Earth Planet. sci. Lett. v.62 MnO/TiO2/P2O5: a minor element discriminant for basaltic rocks of oceanic environments and its implications for petrogenesis Mullen, E.D.
- Jour. Geol. v.103 The island arc setting of a New Zealand Cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequence: implications for the evolution of the SW Pacific Gondwana fragment Munker, C.;Cooper, R.A.
- Andesites: orogenic andesites and related rocks Trace element characteristics of lavas from destructive plate boundaries Pearce, J.A.;Thorpe, R.S.(ed.)
- Earth Planet sci. Lett. v.36 The relationship between major element chemistry and tectonic environment of basic and intermediate volcanic rocks Pearce, T.H.;Gorman, B.E.;Birkett, T.C.
- Jour. Petrol. v.25 Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks Pearce, J.A.;Harris, N.B.W.;Tindle, A.G.
- Volcanism Associated with Extension at Consuming Plate Margins no.81 Geochemistry of Lau Basin volcanic rocks: influence of ridge segmentation and arc proximity Pearce, J.A.;Ernewein, M.;Bloomer, S.H.;Parson, L.M.;Murton, B.J.;Johnson, L.E.;Smellie, J.L.(ed.)
- Chem. Geol. v.30 Chemical characteristics of island-arc basalts: implications for mantle sources Perfit, M.R.;Gust, D.A.;Bence, A.E.;Arculus, R.J.;Taylor, S.R.
- Volcanism Associated with Extension at Consuming Plate margins v.81 Cretaceous to Cenozoic volcanism in South Korea and in the Sea of Japan: magmatic constraints on the opening of the back-arc basin Pouclet, A.;Lee, J.-S.;Vidal, P.;Cousens, B.;Bellon, H.;Semllie, J. L.(ed.)
- Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London v.A335 Fluid influence on the trace element compositions of subduction zone magmas Saunders, A.D.;Norry, M.;Tarney, J.
- Jour. Petrol. v.36 Basalts generated by decompressive adiabatic melting of a mantle plume: a case study from the Isle of Skye, NW Scotland Scarrow, J.H.;Cox, K. G.
- Jour. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. v.85 Major and minor element compositions and Sr, Nd isotopic ratios of basaltic rocks from the Pohang-Yangnam area, Korea Shimazu, M.;Kawano, Y.;Kagam, H.
- Tectonic Evolution of Eastern Asian Continent: Short papers for the international sysmposium on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Geological Society of Korea Petrogenesis of Tertiary volcanic rocks from the southeastern part of Korea Song, S.;Lee, H. K.;Yun, H.
- Magmatism in ocean basins v.42 Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts: implications for mantle composition and process. Sun, S.-S.;McDonough, W.F.;Saunders, A.D.(ed.);M. J.(ed.)
- Igeneous petrogenesis Wilson, M.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.50 The application of a Th-Hf-Ta diagram to problems of tectonomagmatic classification and to establishing the nature of crustal contamination of basaltic lavas of the British Tertiary volcanic province Wood, D.A.
- Jour. Petrol. v.3 Origin of basaltic magmas: an experimental study of natural and synthetic rock system Yoder, H.S., Jr;Tilley, C.E.
- Kiramura Commem. Essays Geol. Tectonic history of the Tertiary Pohang and Yongnam basins, Korea Yoon, S.;Nakagawa, H.(ed.);Kotaka, T.(ed.);Takayanagi, Y.(ed.)
- Proc. Internat. Pacific Neogene. conti. Mari. Events, IGCP-246 Tertiary stratigraphy of the southern Korean Peninsula Yoon, S.
- Tertiary stratigraphy of Tertiary Pohang and Yongnam basins, Korea: With a remark on the origin of the Yamato basin of the Japan Sea v.3 Yoon, S.