순창 재래식 된장의 암세포 성장억제 효과

Growth Suppression Effect of Traditional Fermented Soybean Paste(Doenjang) on the Various Tumor Cells

  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


Methanol extract and its fraction of traditional fermented soybean paste(doenjang) from Soonchang area were studied for growth suppression on the various tumor cells and suppression components, by using HPLC and GC were analysed. Hexane fraction of methanol extract was indicated 79%, 76%, 67%, 66%, 78% of growth suppression on L1210, P338D1, HepG2, WiDr and SNU 1 tumor cells, respectively. Ethylacetate fraction of methanol extract also showed 81%, 75%, 75%, 76% and 82% of growth suppression on the same tumor cells, respectively. Peak 8 obtained from HPLC of ethylacetate fraction indicated 81%, 77%, 77%, 75% and 79% of growth suppression on the same tumor cells and identified as a genistein, by comparing with standard one by HPLC analysis. Hexane fraction of methanol extract contained oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acid.



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