사물절편의 이화학적 품질특성 및 항산화 효과

The Physicochemical properties and Antioxidation Effect of Samul Chol-Pyon

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


In physicochemical property, increasing the raw materials of Samul Chol Pyon, the content of moisture decreased, somewhat in total sugar, crude lipid, ash was increased. The pH of raw material for Samul Chol Pyon was shown at 5.70~5.80, in the mild acidity. Total saturated fatty acid of 50% added to the sample was shown to be four times higher than that of rice powder. The raw materials of Samul Chol Pyon were shown to possess 16 kinds of total amino acids. The content of minerals, K, P, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, Ca increased its additive raw material of Samul Chol Pyon. Especially, Na decreased, while K increased its additive raw materials of Samul Chol Pyon. In a limited Na diet, Samul Chol Pyon should be used in the future.



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