쌀의 지방과 단백질이 쌀가루 호화액의 리올리지 특성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Rice Lipid and Protein on Rheological Characteristics of Gelatinized Rice Flour Solutions

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Effect of rice protein and lipid on rheological properties of gelatinized rice flour solutions(4%) with three rice varieties(Dongjin, Jinmi, Tamjin) known for varying taste of cooked rice was investigated with Haake viscometer. The rheological behaviors of all rice flour solutions were illustrated by Herschel Bulkley equation and exhibited pseudoplastic behavior with yield stress. When rice flour solutions treated with protease and dithiothreitol, there was decreased in flow behavior index value. Flow behavior index was decreased by dealbumin and deglutelin rice flour solutions among deprotein groups. The Jinmi rice flour solutions exhibited slightly lower consistency index than Dongjin and Tamjin. Defatted rice flour solutions exhibited lower consistency index than rice flour solutions, while dealbumin, deglutelin rice flour solutions exhibited high consistency index. Protease treated rice flour solutions exhibited increase in Dongjin and Tamjin. The yield stress was increased in sequence eating quality. Yield stress of defatted rice flour solutions was decreased, while deglutelin and rice starch flour solutions was increased. The time dependent charac teristics of all rice flour solutions appeared forming hysteresis loop and thixotropic behavior showed. The time dependent characteristics was appeared in sequence eating quality. Rice starch and deglutelin flour solutions appeared greatly time dependent characteristics, but defatted rice flour solutions appeared very little.



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