- Food Res. v.24 Behavior of starch during food preparation. Ⅱ. Effect of different sugar on the viscosity and strength of starch pastes Bean,M.M.;Osman,E.M.
- Cereal Chem v.69 Effect of sugar and emulsifiers on starch geletinization evaluated by differential scanning clorimetry Kim,C.S.;Walker,C.E.
- J. Dietary Culture v.5 Studies on the functional properties of sugar derivative sweeteners Lee,C.H.;Souane,M.;Lee,H.D.;Kim,S.Y.
- Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. v.23 Studies on the browing reaction of sugar deriative sweeteners Lee,C.H.;Han,B.J.;Kim,N.Y.;Lim,J.K.;Kim,B.C.
- Starch/Starke v.41 Use of the rapid analyzer to measure starch pasting properties Deffenbaugh,L.B.;Lincoln,N.E.;Walker,C.E
- The amylograph handbook Shuey,W.C.;Tipples,K.H.
- Food Ind. Nutr. v.2 Functional properties of sugar alcohols as low-calorie sugar substitutes hamano,H.
- Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. v.27 Physical and physiological properties of isomaltooligosaccharides Kim,J.R.;Yook,H.K.;Hong,S.Y.;Park,C.K.;Park,K.H.
- Cereal Chem. v.55 Effect of certain sugars and sugar alcohols on the swelling of corn starch granules Savage,H.L.;Osman,E.M.
- Rept. Natl. Food Res. Inst. v.38 Effects of sugar alcohols on the gelatinization and retrogradation of starch Hase,S.;Kawamura,U.;Yasui,T.
- Cereal Chem. v.65 Paste and gel properties of prime corn and wheat starches with and without native lipids Takahashi,S.;Seib,P.A.
- J. Food Sci. v.4 Changes in starch pasting properties due to sugar and emulsifiers as determained by visosity measurement Kim,C.S.;Walker,C.E.
- 식품영양정보 v.3 밀녹말의 호화 및 호화에 영향을 미치는 인자 김광옥
- Cereal Chem. v.55 Wheat starch gelatinization in sugar solution. Ⅰ. Sucrose : Microscopy and viscosiy effects Bean,M.M.;Yamazaki,W.T.;Donelson,D.H.
- Cereal Chem. v.59 Effect of sugars on starch gelatinization Spies,R.D.;Hoseney,R.C.