건축공간 인식에 대한 미학적 구성범주에 관한 연구

A Study on the Compositional Scope of Aesthetic Cognition in Architectural Space

  • 이용재 (정회원, 상주대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The study on architecture can be started with the aesthetic attitude which cognizes it as the art of the space. Architectural space as the subject of the aesthetical study, however, has been ignored such a long period though it should be centered of the whole architectural theory. Even it has not been dealt with independently but just only as a part of aesthetic or artistic field. Also it is true that academic approach to the architectural space as per the aesthetic cognition has not been done so satisfactorily. This study, therefore, aims at prescribing compositional scope from aesthetic cognition of architecture understanding the rational function, mechanic structure, and artistic beauty by man's subject standard of judgement as per the space, the special sphere of architecture. For the absolves, the architectural space in this study is not approached as the spatial art with the meaning of being included the arts general, but with the meaning of intrinsic peculiarity of architecture, based both in practicality of scientific concept and arts of the aesthetic notiov. In order words, the essence of architecture can be prescribed as the architectural realities as the functional, formal and symbolical space not simply the spatial art, and its real but aesthetic meaning can be cognized aesthetically.



  1. 현대건축사고론, 초판 길성호
  2. 건축설계.의장론, 2판 김수현;정영철
  3. Modern Architecture ; a critical history, 3rd ed. Frampton;Kenneth
  4. Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, 5th ed. Giedion;Sigfied;Space
  5. Architecture and its Interpretation, 건축의 표현체계, 초판 Bonta;Juan Pablo;서유석
  6. 건축의 공간과 형태, 초판 Joedicke;Jurgen;윤재희
  7. 건축의 흐름, 초판 Kuma Kengo;이창우;이영
  8. Experiencing Architecture, 건축예술의 체득-건축 의장론, 초판 Rasmussen;Steen Eiler;윤일주
  9. Space in Architecture, 건축공간론, 초판 Van de Ven;Cornelis;정진원;고성룡
  10. 建築的 空間(초판) 宮川英;문석창
  11. 예술학(초판) 渡邊 護;이병용
  12. 美と藝術の論理;美學入門(초판) 미와 예술의 논리 木幡順三;강손근
  13. 건축공간론(초판) 土松佑三;국제편집부
  14. 建築美論(초판) 井上充夫;임영배
  15. 건축조형의 기초(초판) 中村吉朗;국제편집부
  16. 건축공간의 미학적 인식과 표현에 관한 연구 이요재