배추무사마병의 뿌리혹 형성에 미치는 묘령, 접종원 농도 및 접종방법의 영향

Effects of Plant Age Inoculum Concentration and Inoculation Method on Root Gall Development of Clubroot Disease of Chinese Cabbage Caused by Planmodiophora brassicae

  • 김충회 (농업과학기술회 식물병리과)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


Effect of inoculum concentration inoculation method and plant age on development of clubroot disease of Chinese cabbage seedling were examined in growth chambers. Root galls were developed at the concentration of 105 resting spore or above per ml of incoulum and as the inoculum concentration became higher rate of development of root galls was faster. In the plants with root gall development fresh weight of above ground parts was reduced to 30-44% of that of healthy plants but root weight increased by 4-10 times. Growth of diseased plants was greatly reduced as compared to healthy plants. Planting in the diseased soil as a inoculation method was most effective for disease development showing uniform infections but time of initial root gall development was delayed by root soaking inoculation. Some plants inoculated by soil drenching method did not develop root galls. However root gall enlargement after its initial formation did not differ greatly among inoculation methods. Nine-day-old seedlings showed poor development of root gall but 16-days-old seedlings was found to be most adequate for inoculation for gall development.
