산업용수의 공급지장 비용 : 공업용수도 수요업체를 중심으로

  • 엄미정 (서울대학교 공과대학 기술정책 대학원과정 Post Dr.)) ;
  • 황영순 (STEPI 위촉연구원) ;
  • 김태유 (서울대학교 공과대학 기술정책 대학원과정)
  • Published : 1999.11.01




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  2. 사회간접자본 확충구상에 관한 연구-용수부문 김정주
  3. 한국수자원학회논문집 v.30 수도사업의 국민경제적 역할 분석 김태유;유승훈;허은녕
  4. 94,'95 가뭄극복 농림수산부 농어촌진흥공사
  5. Canada-Newfoundland Agreement Respecting Water Resource Management : Assessment of the Economic Value of Water and its Contribution to the Economy of Newfoundland ADI Nolan Davis;Gardner Pinfold Consulting Economist Limited
  6. The Value of Water Supply Reliability : Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey of Residential Customers California Urban Water Agencies
  7. Journal of Environmental and Management v.26 The value of Water Supply Reliability in Urban Water Systems Howe,W.C.;M.G.Smith
  8. Environmental and Resource Economics v.4 Contingent Valuation in Korean Environmental Planning: A Pilot Application to the Protection of Drinking Water Quality in Seoul Kwak,S.J.;C.S.Russell
  9. Journal of Public Economics v.54 Managing water supply shortage: Interruption vs. Pricing Woo,C.K.
  10. Cost of Industrial Water Shortages Wade,W.W.