엘니뇨와 대책상황

  • 문영일 (서울시립대학교 토목공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.11.01




  1. 한국기상연구소 보고서 엘리뇨 및 기후변화에 관한 범정부적 대응방안 오재호
  2. Mon. Weather Rev. v.97 Atmospheric Teleconnections from the Equatorial Pacific Bjerknes,J.
  3. Science v.222 Oceanographic events during El nino Cane,M.A.
  4. Journal of Climate v.2 no.9 Global Climatic Anomalies Associated with Extremes in the Southern Oscillation Kiladis,G.N.;H.F.Diaz
  5. J. of Hydrologic Enginerring Locally weighted polynomial regression: Parameter choice and application to forecasts of the Great Salt Lake Lall,U.;Young-II Moon;K.Bosworth
  6. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.78 no.12 The Definition of El nino Trenberth,K.E.