The crystal structure of A2+(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3,(A2+=Sr2+ and Ca2+)ceramics was studied usig X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high resolution transmission electrion microscopy(HRTEM). Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (SMN) has the 1:2 ordered monoclinic structure which has the anti-phase tilt of octahedra. The type of tilting in SMN was considered to be a$^{\circ}$a$^{\circ}$c- or aac$^{\circ}$ Ca(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (CMN) also has the 1:2 ordered monoclinic structure which was distorted by the anti-phase tilt or in-phsae tilt of octahedra. A unit cell containing both the in-phase tilt axis and anti-phase tilt axis was not observed in the CMN. Therefore CMN has the mixed phase consisting of the 1:2 ordered monoclinic phase with anti-phase tilt of octahedra and the one with in -phase tilt of ocatahedra,. The anti-parallel shift of cation was also observed in the CMN.