해양 유독생물의 독성 검사와 보건환경 모니터링을 위한 조건센서의 활용

Practical Use of Tissue Biosensor for Safety Test of Marine Organism and Monitoring of Public Health and Environment

  • 천병수 (동경수산대학 식품생산학과 응용미생물학연구실) ;
  • 유종수 (포항산업과학연구원 환경에너지연구센터) ;
  • 유진형 (동경수산대학 자원육성학과 수족양식학연구실) ;
  • 도변탈생 (동경수산대학 식품생산학과 응용미생물학연구실)
  • 발행 : 1999.02.01


It confirmed the facilitated diffusion of $Na^+$ of frog bladder membrane which is a tissue membrane. The mechanism was explained in $Na^+$ channel model and its referred to the $Na^+$ channel obstruction ingredient which was contained in the reference to the $Na^+$ channel obstruction ingredient and son on, e.g., seaweed, shellfish, pufferfish, phytoplankton and chinese drug. Also, it introduces the result which studied from the barrier point of the application of the tissue biosensor to the trade friction on Korea or Japan pufferfish and the marine environment in the one with high dependance. It was possible for the poison quantity of small amount pufferfish toxin (TTX), paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) to be measured and also to measure poison quantity in the cultivation poisonous toxin phytoplankton individual. In future, as for this tissue biosensor, it expects that it is possible to contribute widely until environment watch and also monitoring to the scene.



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  4. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries v.48 Identification and toxicity of the resting cysts of Protogonyaulax found in Ofunato Bay Oshima, Y.;H. T. Singh;Y. Fukuyo;T. Yasumoto
  5. Proceedings of a consultative meeting held in Singapore Toxic Red Tides and Shellfish Toxicity in Southeast Asia White, A.W.;M. Anraku;K.-K. Hooi
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  7. Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. v.12 Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Poison by tissue biosensor consisting of a Na electrode and frog bladder membrane Cheun, B.;H. Endo;T. hayashi;K. Kim;E. Lee;E. Watanabe
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  10. Protein, Nucleic Acid and Enzyme v.42 Tissue biosensor for determination of tetrotoxin Watanabe, E.
  11. Taxonomy and Toxicity of Imported Pufferfishes in Japan Harata, Y.;T. Abe
  12. Toxicon v.26 A tissue culture assay for tetrodotoxin. saxitoxin and related toxins Kogure, K.;M.L. Tamplin;Y. simizu;R. Colwell
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  14. Toxicon Use of a channel biosensor for the assay of paralytic shellfish toxins Cheun, B.;M. Loughran;T. hayashi;Y. Nagashima;E. Watanabe
  15. Natural Toxin Determination of Na channel blockers in shellfish and sewllfish with a tissue biosensor Cheun, B.;S. Takagi;M. Loughran;T. Hayashi;E. Watanabe
  16. Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioen. v.13 Tissue Biosensor for Determination of Na Channel blocker in Chinese Drug and Seaweed (Porphyra yezoensis Ueda) Cheun, B.;J.S. Yoo;E. Watanabe
  17. Anal. Chem. v.51 Antidiuretic hormone specific electrode Updike, S.;I. Treichel
  18. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi v.63 Effect of storage conditions on the activity of the Na Channel Existing on the frog bladder membrane Cheun, B.;H. Endo;T. Hayashi;K. Kim;E. Watanabe
  19. Protein Nucleic Acid Enzyme v.40 Sodium channel functining based on an octagonal stracture model Sato, C.;K. Hirota;T. Kimura;O. Hirono;G. Matsumoto
  20. The Biology of Dinaflagellates Dinoflagellate Toxins Shimizu, Y.;F.J.R. Taylor(ed.)
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  22. Harmful and Toxic Algal Bloom Environmental physiology of Alexandrium tama-rense isolated form Chinhae Bay, the south sea of Korea Kim, H.G.;S.G. Lee;W.A. Lim;J.S. Lee;J.H. Kim;T. Yasumoto(ed.);Y. Oshima(ed.);Y. Fukuyo(ed.)
  23. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.42 Bloom dynamics of toxic Alexa-ndrium species in the northeastern U.S. Anderson, D.M.
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  27. Toxicon v.28 Production of paralytic shellfish toxins by a bacterium Moraxella sp. isolated from Protogonyaulax tamarensis Kodama, M.;T. Ogata;S. Sakamoto;S. Sato;T. honda;T. Miwatani
  28. Brain of Drug Solomon, H.;H. Snyder
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  30. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish v.53 Analysis of paralytic shellfish poison and tetrodotoxin by ion-pairing high performance liquid chromatography Nagashima, Y.;T. Maruyama;T. Noguchi;K. Hashimoto
  31. Toxicon v.16 The occurrence of saxitoxin and other toxins in various dinoflagellate Bates, H.A.;R. Kostriken;H. Rapoprt
  32. Pamaceutical Society of Japan Standard methods of analysis for hygienic chemists with commentary Japanese official method