- Reprodutive Biology of Invertebrates v.I Arthropoad-Crustacea Adiyodi,R.G.;T.Subramoniam;Aidyodi,K.C.;R.G. Adiyodi(ed.)
- J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. v.27 Studies on the repoducton of ciripedes.I. Introduction;copulation, release of oocytes, and formation fo the egg lamellde Barnes,H;M. Barens;W. Klepal
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. v.46 The development of egg membrane and egg attachment in the snow crab Carcinus maens and some related decapods Cheung, T.S.
- Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. v.48 Male reproductive system and fertilization of the palaemonid shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii Chow, S.;Y. Ogasawara;Y, Takai
- Invertebr Reprod Dev. v.19 Chomosome behavior upon fertilzation in eggs of the giant greshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii(de Man) Damronphol. P.;N. Eangcham;B. Poolsanguan
- Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc, v.80 A life history of Asellus intermedius The development of egg membrane and egg attachment in the shore crab Carcinus maena Fobes Ellis, H.J.
- Pac. Sci. v.30 Sex ratio,size at reproductive maturity and reprocuction of the Hawaiian Konb crab, Ranina ranina(Linnaeus)(Brachyura, Gumonpieura Raninidae) Fielding, A.;S. R. Haley
- Mar. biol. v.69 Allometric constraints and variables of reproductive effort in Brachyuran crabs Hines,A. H.
- Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.57 Size at onset of sexual maturity and onset fo spawing in female Panulirus homarus (Curstacea;Decapoda;Palimuridae)in Sri Lanka Jayakody,D.S.
- J. Ultrastr. Res. v.69 A unique case of cytodifferentiation;spermiogenesis of the prawn palaemonetes paludosus Koehler,L.D.;
- Indo-Pacific Counc, Curr. Aff. Bull. v.9 Note on the life and habitats of the adullts and larval stages of Macrobrachium rosenbergii(De Man) Ling, S.W.
- Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.43 Egg and broodsizes of oceanic pelagic crustceans Mauchline, J.
- Mar. Biol. v.14 Fecundity of a euphasuiid crustacean Nemadtoscelis diffculis in the Pacific Ocean Neomoto J.;K. Kamada;K. Hara
- Reproductive biology of invertebrates v.Ⅵ Arthtopoda-Crustacea Pandian, T.J.;Adiyodi, K.G.;R.G. Adiyodi(ed.)
- Proc Sym Inv Reprod, Madras University, Madras 1 Contribution to the reproductive biology and aquaculture of Macrobrachium nobilii Pandian, T.J.;C. Ballsundaram
- Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates v.Ⅱ Athropoda-Curstacea Pochon-Masson,J.;Adiyodi, K.G.;R.G. Aidyodi(ed)
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. v.57 Breeding marsupial development in laboratory maintained Parathemisto gaudichandi (Amphipoda) Sheader, M.
- Emerita asitica. Mar. biol. v.43 Aspects of sexual biology of amomuran crab Subramoniam. T.
- 탈피행동과 수온이 탈피에 미치는 영향.; 발생과 생식1 대형 담수산 새우, Macrobrachium rosenbergii(De Man)의 생식생리에 관한 연구. l. 권진수;이복규;한창희;김병기
- 동의대 생물생산연구지 v.4;5;6 권진수;이장희 담수산새우,Macrobrachium nipponise(de Hann)의 생식생태에 관한 생물학적 기초연구
- 동의대 생물생산연구지 v.7;8;9 권진수;이채성 동남 참게 , Eriocheir japonicus(de Hann)의 번식생태에 관한 생물학적 기초연구