- Agron. J. v.86 Soybean leaf gas-exchange responses to carbon dioxide and water stress Allen, L. H. Jr;R. R Valle;J. W. Mishoe;J. W. Jones
- Plant Physiol v.46 Leaf enlargement and metabolic rates in corn,soybean and sunflower at various leaf water potential Boyer, J. S.
- Plant Physiol v.46 Differing sensitivity of photosynthesis to low leaf water potential in corn and soybean Boyer, J. S.
- Agron. J. v.83 Water status effect on dinitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in soybean Djekoun, A.;C. Planchon
- Crop Sci. v.31 Soybean and soybean cyst nematode response to soil water content in loam and clay soils Heatherly,L. G.;L. D. Young
- Jpn. J. Sci. v.55 Acclimation of soybean plants to water deficit. I. Effects of prolonged water deficit on the production and partition of dry matter Itoh, R.;A. Kumura
- Jpn. J. Sci. v.55 Acclimation of soybean plants to water deficit. II. Recovery of photosynthesis and leaf water status under prolonged water deficit Itoh R.;A. Kumura
- Water relation of plants Kramer, P. J.
- Crop Sci. v.16 Top and root growth of irrigated and non-irrigated soybeans Mayaki, W. C.;I. D. Teare;L. R. Stone
- Aust. J. Plant Phisiol v.5 Agronomic and physiological responses of soybean and sorghum crops to water deficits. IV. photosynthesis, transpiration and water use efficiency of leaves Rawson, H. W.;N. C. Turner;J. E. Begg
- Plant Physiol v.38 Effect of soil moisture and phenylmercuric acetate upon stomatal aperture, transpiration and photosynthesis Shimshi, D.
- Adaptation of plants to water and high temperature stress Influence of water stress on the photosynthesis and productivity of plants in humid areas Tazaki, T.;K. Isihara;T. Usijima
- Agron. J. v.65 Water-use efficiency and its relation to crop canopy area,stomatal regulation and root distribution Teare, I. D.;Kanemasu, E. T.;Powers, W. L.;B. S. Jacobs
- Jpn. J. Sci. v.54 Influence of soil moisture stress on the nitrogen nutrition and grain productivity of mungbean Trung, B. C.;S. Yoshida;Y. Kobayashi
- 日作紀 v.57 no.2 異なる土壤水分條件に生育したダイズの生育および生理·生態的性質の比較 平澤 正
- 日作紀 v.20 土壤水分が大豆の生育ならびに收量に及ぼす影響について. 第1報 生育の各期における土壤水分の不足が大豆の生育ならびに收量に及ぼす影響 福井重郞;伊藤隆二
- 植物生産理學 石井龍一
- 日作紀 v.29 畑作物の光合成に關する硏究. 第2報 土壤水分と數種畑作物及水稻の光合成との關係 猪山純一郞;村田吉男
- 土壤學實驗法.京都大學農學部農藝化學敎室編, 新改版農藝化學實驗書(增補) 川口桂三郞;小島 懋
- 日作紀 v.63 ダイズの耐乾性に關する生態生理學的硏究. 第1報 土壤水分の減少に伴う葉位別蒸散速度と光合成速度および根の乎吸速度の變化 李忠烈;津野幸人;中野渟一;山口武視
- 日作紀 v.19 土壤水分が大豆子實の發育に及ぼす影響 岡本 嘉
- 韓作誌 v.15 窒素 및 土壤水分이 大豆의 收量形質에 미치는 影響 朴然圭