오일 버너에 있어서 분무거동과 공기유동의 상호작용에 관한 수치해석

Numerical Simulation of Spray Behavior and Its Interaction with Air Flow in Oil Burner

  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


A numerical study was performed to investigate spray behavior and its interaction with air flow in a flame holding region of an oil burner(0.1MW) using the KIVA3 code. The numerical results in shape of the recirculating flow and size of the recirculation zone under different conditions were compared to those experimental results. The numerical results in fuel droplet trajectory show that a droplet under 30${\mu}m$ can follow the air flow but a droplet over 50${\mu}m$ penetrates the recirculation zone due to large momentum and a droplet of 30-50${\mu}m$ can follow the recirculating flow or pene-trates the recirculation zone.



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