Candida tropicalis PW-51을 이용한 페놀수지 폐수의 처리

Treatment of Phenolic Resin Wasterwater by Candida tropicalis PW-51

  • 김성빈 (생명공학연구소 환경미생물 RU) ;
  • 김희식 (생명공학연구소 환경미생물 RU) ;
  • 오희목 (생명공학연구소 환경미생물 RU) ;
  • 윤병대 (생명공학연구소 환경미생물 RU) ;
  • 김치경 (충북대 자연과학대학 미생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


페놀수지 폐수는 41,000 mg/l 의 페놀과 2,800 mg/l 의 포름알데히드를 포함하고 있어 직접적인 생물학적 처리가 어렵다. 자연계에서 분리된 Candida tropicalis PW-51 은 100 mg/l 이하의 포름알데히드 존재하에서 1,000 mg/l 의 페놀을 분해하였으나 포름알데히드의 농도가 증가함에 따라 페놀분해는 저해되었다. 페놀수지 폐수를 1/40 희석하였을 때 페놀류 화합물 농도가 882 mg/l 이었는데, 회분배양 후 페놀농도는 81 mg/l로 약 91% 분해되었다. 폐수를 1/40, 1/20 희석한 후 C.tropicalis PW-51에 의해 생물학적으로 연속처리한 결과 페놀류 화합물은 92% 까지 분해되었다. 그러나 1/10 희석된 폐수에서는 초기 페놀류 화합물 농도가 2,875 mg/l로 높아 생물학적 처리가 이루어지지 않고 균체가 사멸하였다. 1/40, 1/20 희석된 페수의 생물학적 처리후 잔류 페놀류 화합물을 흡착처리한 결과 최종 처리수에서 페놀류 화합물의 농도는 1 mg/l 이하로 총 페놀제거효율은 99.9%에 달하였다.

Phenolic resin wastewater contained 41,000 mglI phenol, 2,800 mg/l fonualdehyde and various chlorinated phenolic compounds. Candida tropicalis PW-51 isolated [rom the natural enVlfooment was able to degrade 1,000 mg/l phenol in the presence of 100 mglI formaldehyde, but it took much time to degrade phenol with the increase of formaldehyde in phenolic resin wastewater. %en the phenolic resin wastewater was diluted to 1/40, the initial concentration of phenolic compounds (phenols) was 882 mglI and degraded to 81 mglI by C tfVpicalis PW-51 in batch culture. In a continuous biological treatment, the phenolic resin wastewater was diluted to 40 (745 mglI), 20 (1,356 mglI), or 10 (2,875 mglI) times. The removal efficiency of phenols in 1/40- and lI20-diluted phenolic resin wastewater was about 92%, but the phenols in 1!1O-diluted wastewater were not degraded. The remained phenols in wastewater were absorbed by a mixture of activated carbon and rice bran (1:1, v:v) in the process of absorption which was connected to the biological treatment. The total removal efficiency of phenols in 1!40~ and l/20-diluted phenolic resin wastewater was 99.9%.



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