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- Can. J. Microbiol. v.25 Regulation of extracellular protease formation by Serratia marcescens Bromke, B.J.;J.M. Hammel
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- Kor. J. Microbiol. v.27 Extracellular proteases from Bacillus licheniformis: partial purification and characterization Hong, N.;M. Choi;C. Yang
- J. Bacteriol. v.155 Purification and properties of serine protease from Halobacterium halobium Izotova, L.S.;A.Y. Strongn;L.N. Chekulaeva;V.E. Sterkin;V.I. Ostoslavskaya;L.A. Lyublinskaya;E.A. Timokhina;V.M. Stepanov
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- J. Bacteriol. v.159 Genes for alkaline protease and neutral protease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens contain a large open reading frame between the regions coding for signal sequence and mature protein Vasantha, N.;L.D. Thompson;C. Rhodes;C. Banner;J. Nayle;D. Filpula
- J. Bacteriol. v.131 Purification of the extracellular protease of Bacillus licheniformis and its inhibition by bacitracin Vitkovic, L.;H.L. Sadoff
- J. Bacteriol. v.169 Characterization of Erwinia crysanthemi extracellular proteases: Cloning and expression of the protease genes in Escherichia coli Wandersman, C.;P. Delepelaire;S. Letoffe;M. Schwartz
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- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.103 Purification and properties of protease with elastase activity from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wretlind, B.;T. Wadstrom