Analysis of the Changes in Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Community in pH-gradient Microcosm


The Biolog redox technology was carried out for evaluation of acidification effect on microbial communities at each stage of pH gradient microcosm. While the number of heterotrophic bacterial population and activities of extracellular enzyme decreased as the pH decreased, the number of total bacteria in the microcosm was not affected. The average color development of sample at each pH-gradient showed a sigmoidal curve, and at higher pH, more overall color development appeared in Biolog plates. Average color development value in Biolog plates was stabilized at 50 hours as an optimum incubation time. The color production in the Biolog plates was caused by cell density at above pH 5.0, but by cell activity below pH 4.0. Principal component analysis of color responses revealed distinctive patterns among the pH-gradient microcosm samples.



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