시각장애인을 위한 도서관의 운영에 관한 연구

A Study on the Library Management for the Visually Handicapped

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study provides the conceptual and practical framework on the strategy to enhance services for the visually handicapped in the braille libraries. In order to achieve this purpose, the questionnaires, the interview, and the observation of the data collection techniques are used in the study, and the braille libraries throughout Korea which are in operation are selected as subjects for the research and survey. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. Most of the braille libraries, about 70%, are located in Seoul. It thus appears that this geographical unbalance cause the visually handicapped inconvenience in use, who is especially living at the regions where no braille library is located nearby. 2. To enhance the efficiency of the library services for the visually handicapped, first of all, the limited scope of the subject as well as the poor volume of the collections should be resolved as soon as possible. 3. Most of the libraries are neither equipped with necessary facilities to publish in braille nor secured the supporting instruments which facilitate to use library services for the visually handicapped satisfactorily. 4. The collections for the visually handicapped consist of the brailles and the recordings mainly. Because the visually handicapped is difficult to access and visit at the libraries alone, these materials are generally circulating rather outward by postal service than inward. 5. The qualified staff who has the very responsible position for reading and circulation is required to have educational background in library and information science, to have passions for the visually handicapped, and to have abilities to understand and translate the materials in braille.



  1. 점자발달의 과정 김동년;김태욱
  2. 도서관학논집 v.13 시각장애자를 위한 도서관 정보봉사에 관한 연구 김영귀;손문철
  3. 논문집 v.11 no.2 장애자를 위한 공공도서관 봉사에 관한 연구 ; 시각장애자를 중심으로 박옥화
  4. 시각 장애자에 대한 도서관봉사에 관한 연구 설진화
  5. 시각장애자를 위한 특수도서관봉사에 대한 연구 이상근
  6. 시각장애자에 대한 도서관봉사에 관한 연구 이총재
  7. 장애인복지법(법률 제4179호)
  8. 시각장애인을 위한 도서관봉사에 미치는 영향 요인 연구 전재봉
  9. 한국의 맹인도서관 실태 분석 연구 조종석
  10. 한국 시각장애인 도서관의 현황 분석 최규봉
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  12. 現代の 圖書館 v.13 no.3 身體障碍者への 圖書館サ-ビスの現狀と 問題點 渡邊勳
  13. 點字と 朗讀への 招待 本間一夫;岩橋英行;田中農夫男(共編)
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